Terminal bindings


M-f: Move forward a word
M-b: Move backward a word
C-a: BoL (to Beginning of Line)
C-e: Eol (to End of line)
C-b: Move back one character
C-f: Move forward one character

Commands shi

C-l: clear
C-x-e: $EDITOR the command
C-n: (next)
C-p: (previous)
C-r: backward search through command history

Process shi

C-z: sends process to sleep
C-s: stop stdout
C-q: resume stdout

Delete/Cut shi

C-u: cut the line (before the cursor in bash; C-y to paste)
C-w: cut the word before the cursor (C-y to paste)
C-d: delete typed character after cursor (else, exit the current shell)
C-k: equivalent of D in helix (or C in vim)

Case shi

Esc-u: uppercase from the cursor to EoL
Esc-l: lowercase from the cursor to EoL
Esc-c: capitalize word (just uppercasing letter after cursor)

Undo/Swap shi

C-_: undo typing (even deleting)
C-t: swap the characters
Esc-t: swap the words